
Articles in this category

Aftermath of World War I
Aftermath of World War I

Aftermath of World War I

Cultural, Economic, and Social Changes

The aftermath of World War I saw far-reaching transformations across Europe, Asia, Africa, and beyond. Empires collapsed, new countries were formed, international organizations emerged, and a host of ideologies took hold in people's minds. ...

Tanks in the Cold War
Tanks in the Cold War

Cold War Tank Development and Evolution

Following World War II, tank development initially stalled due to budget cuts and the perceived obsolescence of tanks in the face of nuclear weapons. However, technological advancements gradually transformed tank design, leading to significantly larger vehicles with enhanc...

History of agriculture in California
History of agriculture in California

History of Agriculture in California

Pre-1850 Prior to European arrival, indigenous Californian peoples engaged in agricultural practices that fostered a thriving ecosystem. They developed sophisticated irrigation techniques, skillfully gathered resources from various plant species, and employed strategies to ...

History of Corsica
History of Corsica

The Rich History of Corsica

Prehistory to Antiquity

Corsica's history spans back to the Upper Paleolithic period. The ancient Greeks established the first known settlement in 566 BCE, followed by Phoenician colonization. The island was subsequently conquered by the Etruscans, Carthaginians, and finally ...

First Dynasty of Egypt
First Dynasty of Egypt

The First Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

The First Dynasty (c. 34th-30th century BC) marked the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the rule of Menes. This dynasty, centered at Thinis, initiated the Early Dynastic Period, characterized by the development of a centralized government and the use of hieroglyphics....

Civilizations (novel)
Civilizations (novel)

Civilizations: An Alternate History

"Civilizations" by Laurent Binet paints a captivating alternate history where the Americas remain untouched by European colonization. In this world, the Inca emperor Atahualpa emerges as a formidable conqueror, overturning the balance of power in Europe.

The novel begin...

Reformation Study Bible
Reformation Study Bible

Summary: The Reformation Study Bible

The Reformation Study Bible is a study Bible published by Ligonier Ministries, aiming to continue the legacy of the Geneva Bible by highlighting biblical Christianity. All editions currently feature the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible text.


Historiography of the Ottoman Empire
Historiography of the Ottoman Empire

Historiography of the Ottoman Empire

The historiography of the Ottoman Empire refers to the methods, sources, and interpretations used by scholars to study the Ottoman Dynasty and its empire. Western understanding of Ottoman history has often been shaped by political and cultural biases, but the availability of ...

Information Age
Information Age


The Information Age, emerging in the mid-20th century, has witnessed a swift transition from traditional industries to an economy centered on information technology. Key advancements include the transistor in 1947 and the optical amplifier in 1957, enabling efficient information processing and transmissi...

American Journal of Ancient History
American Journal of Ancient History

Summary of the American Journal of Ancient History

The American Journal of Ancient History (AJAH) is a scholarly periodical dedicated to the study of ancient history and classical studies. Established in 1976 at Harvard University, AJAH publishes peer-reviewed research articles and book reviews on a wide range o...

Ancient history of the Negev
Ancient history of the Negev

Historical Overview of the Negev Region

The Negev, a semi-arid region in southern Israel, has a long and varied history. In ancient times, it was inhabited by various groups, including the Edomites, Philistines, Nabataeans, and Judeans. The Negev was a significant agricultural, pastureland, and trade route.

History of Uganda (1963–1971)
History of Uganda (1963–1971)


Uganda gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1963, led by Prime Minister Milton Obote. Early on, the country faced divisions along national, religious, and ethnic lines, particularly between the dominant Buganda kingdom and other kingdoms.

In 1966, Obote consolidated power by abolishing t...