Politics encompasses activities and relations involving decision-making in groups, power distribution, and resource allocation. The discipline of political science studies politics and government.

Defining Politics

Various definitions of politics exist, with different approaches focusing on its scope, nature, and objectives. Some views emphasize politics' extensive presence in human relations, while others restrict it to specific contexts. Different perspectives also emerge regarding the balance between morality and realism in political analysis, and whether conflict or cooperation is its defining characteristic.

Historical Perspectives

Politics has played a significant role throughout human history, from tribal societies to modern states. Early civilizations, such as Sumer and Egypt, defined political boundaries and established political structures. The Greek city-states and Roman Republic made important contributions to political thought and institutions.

Modern States

The Peace of Westphalia (1648) marked the beginning of the modern international system, leading to the rise of independent nation-states. Nationalism and the Industrial Revolution shaped the development of political movements and ideologies.


Political globalization emerged in the 20th century through intergovernmental organizations and supranational unions. International institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank play a crucial role in global politics.

Political Systems

A political system defines the processes for making government decisions. Different forms of government exist, including monarchies, republics, democracies, and autocracies. The separation of powers, source of power, and level of vertical integration are key dimensions.

Political Culture

Political culture refers to the values, beliefs, and norms that influence political processes. Factors such as trust, postmaterialism, and religion shape political behavior and institutions.

Political Dysfunction

Political corruption, insincere politics, and election manipulation are examples of political dysfunction. These issues undermine the integrity of political systems and erode public trust.

Levels of Politics

Politics operates at various levels, including macropolitics (national and international affairs), mesopolitics (party politics and interest groups), and micropolitics (individual participation in the political process).

Political Values

Core political values include democracy, equality, freedom, and justice. Different ideologies and perspectives emphasize different combinations and interpretations of these values.

This summary provides a balanced and moderately detailed overview of politics, highlighting its key concepts, historical developments, and contemporary manifestations.